Thursday, June 8, 2023

Disney Princess CRT TV

 There are a lot of things that a retro game room needs, such as consoles, games, shelves, and TVs. The TV is one of those that can make or break a game room. Most people would recommend CRTs, but there are many different kinds of CRTS, some amazing, and some terrible. But then there are ones that are made as a gimmick, that do something to visually, or sometimes even functionally stand out. The TV I wanna talk a little bit about stands out visually.

    The Disney Princess CRT is actually my 2nd CRT, I have a bigger one on the floor, but that one is both breaking on me, and a pain to deal with when switching out consoles. I got the Disney Princess TV locally for 20 bucks, and then ordered the tiara-shaped speakers on it from eBay for 40, so a good deal in my opinion, especially since it allows me to replace what console I'm using much more easily.

    Now the quality of the TV could be better. It's a children's TV, so you can assume the manufacturer wanted it to be as cheap as possible without being complete crap. The entire body is plastic, but it is structurally sound. The speakers are shaped like a tiara, and they sound okay, nothing amazing, but not bad either.  Though you can use a pair of headphones on the TV, so you don't need the speakers. The screen is actually pretty nice in my opinion. It will cut off the image, though I might be able to fix that, but I like the image it creates. My other CRT is definitely sharper and more vibrant, but sometimes you want something different.

    This TV will be making various appearances on the blog, it'll be a common character, so I felt it was a good way to start off this blog by introducing everyone to it. I can't wait to share more with it, I already have plans for it on this blog.

Have a great day!


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